about me
Hi, I'm Oliver Maglana, Full-stack developer based on Philippines.
I have over 5 years of experience as a developer, I am passionate about creating websites and supporting small business enterprises in achieving their objectives. My expertise includes integrating APIs, designing responsive landing pages, and troubleshooting issues. Additionally, I have a background in game development, which broadens my technical skill set. I thrive on challenging projects and continuously seek opportunities to enhance my abilities in this dynamic field.
List of technical stack used:
  • - C# & PHP
  • - MS SQL, MySQL & MongoDB
  • - Unity (Game engine)
  • - Laravel, Slim, OctoberCMS, ASP.net and PyroCMS
  • - JQuery, Javascript, Typesript, Quasar, InertiaJS (Vue), Nuxt & Vue
  • - Github, Bitbucket & Gitlab
  • - Jira & Trello
  • - Amazon S3
Please inform me if you have exciting projects, I would gladly join.
Oliver's Portfolio
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